Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Gerald R. Ford
38th President
of the United States

July 14, 1913 -
December 26, 2006

The Boy Scouts of America joins the Ford family and our country in mourning the loss of President Gerald R. Ford. His presidential term coincided with a very difficult time in American history, but he served with grace and dignity. President Ford achieved Eagle Scout, Scouting's highest rank, which is accomplished by only about 4 percent of all Boy Scouts. By dedicating himself to serving the youth and families of his country throughout his life, he left each of us with a shining example of duty, honor, and character.

Monday, December 25, 2006

***Happy Holidays***

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I'm looking forward to a great 2007.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Troop Meeting - Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge

On Monday night, December 18th, we will begin working on the Cit. in Community MB. The meeting will start at 7:00pm at the American Legion Post on Main St. in Scottsville. Troop 140 cordially invites ALL Scouts who are interested to attend, including those Scouts in Troops 332 and 372. Please bring the MB book, a pen/pencil, and your Scout Spirit. Blue cards and worksheets will be provided. Please wear either your Class A or Class B uniform. Plan on attending, even if you have already started working on the MB and especially if you have a "Partial" from the MB University.

If you have any questions please email me at:

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Mr. Bob Geiger to Join Troop Committee

Troop 140 is pleased to announce that Bob Geiger has become the newest member of our adult leadership team. Bob brings with him a vast Scouting knowledge and a committment to improving the overall Scouting program. Over the years, Bob has been instrumental in planning and carrying out highly successful District Scout Camporees and Klondike Derbies. We look forward to working with him and having him as part of our Troop.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Black Creek District Klondike Derby News

"Bob and Mark" are BACK!

The BCD Klondike will be held Saturday, February 17th at Oatka Creek Park in the town of Wheatland. Scottsville Troop 140 has graciously accepted the role of event host and is currently pursuing a troop to help co-host. This annual event is open to all registered Boy Scouts and
second-year Webelos Scouts. An event patch and lunch is included in the registration fee.

Join Troops from all over Black Creek District for a fun-filled day of teamwork, problem solving, fire building, cooking, compass work, knots and lashings, first aid skills, and woods tools. Special events for the day include a Snow Sculpture Contest, a Midway filled with displays, demonstrations, and hands-on activities.

For more information and downloads, follow the link below:

Monday, December 04, 2006

A Message from Scoutmaster Mr. Alan Hellaby...

"Good Morning Everyone,
With the soccer season now over, and what a great season it was...making it all the way to the State finals, it's time to kick the Scout program into high gear.
There is a meeting planned for tonight, December 4th at 7:00 PM at the Legion. There is also a committee meeting on Saturday the 9th at 8:00 AM followed by a meeting at 10:00 AM.

Things we need to address right away are:
* Registration - $10.00 for the year as the Charter is due next week.
* You need to reserve your spot for Summer camp at Massawepie. We will be attending week 4 once again , which is July 22nd through July 28th. A deposit of $25.00 is due now to hold your spot.
* Scout ski night at Bristol Mt. is the Tuesday after Christmas.
* We will need to hold our SPL election and...
* Assess dues for the year as well.

Anyone that did not make it to the Court of Honor your badges are in your mail folder. I have placed camp photos and advancement records in everyone's folders as well.
As I mentioned we will be working with a reduced schedule this year and will be concentrating on Eagle required merit badges."
Do not forget to keep track of the calendar at our web site.
Please visit our
for the latest up to date information.

Hope to see you all soon,
Mr. Hellaby"

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Troop Meeting Scheduled for Monday

There will be a Troop meeting on Monday night, December 4th at 7:00pm at the Legion.
We will be outlining the Troop Merit Badge meeting schedule. Troop annual registration fee 0f $10.00 is due along with a Massawepie camp deposit of $25.00. First meeting of the month means Uniform Inspection! Please wear your full class A uniform.

Troop 140 at Massawepie, Summer 2006