Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summerfest Parade UPDATE

This just appeared in my mailbox:


From Scottsville Fire Dept. Chief Robert Emerson

The Village of Scottsville would like to take this time to invite your department or organization to participate in the Scottsville Festival on the Oatka, Parade. August 15th.

The parade lineup will be on Beckwith Ave, where the TJ Connor Elementary School is located. Lineup will be at 10 am and the parade will start at 10:30 sharp. It is a very short parade.

If your department or organization can make it, email myself at sfd151@rochester.rr.com or my cell 202-5748

I apologize for the short notice, I myself was just notified that the past parade chairperson hadn't sent out any notices.

Thank you for your time.


If anyone would be interested in marching, please contact me.

Yours in Scouting,

Mark Arlauckas SM