Sunday, July 13, 2008

Massawepie Tip of the Day #6 - Kodak Moments
Another great thing about summer camp is all the stuff you can take photos of.
Chipmunks...the lake at sunset...weird bugs...goofy pictures of your friends.
Disposable/recyclable cameras are an essential item to bring to camp.
Most have about 27 exposures per might want to bring two.
I found a camera that takes digital pics. it's called the
Kodak Plus Digital One-Time-Use Camera. You get prints AND a picture CD.
Shop around...there are plenty of similar items at reasonable prices.
ALSO...Don't forget to bring $8.00 for the Troop Group photo.
Bringing electronic devices to camp is do so at your own risk. Things will get wet, dropped, or misplaced. The Troop is not responsible for damaged or missing items.